Thursday, January 15, 2009

Pearl of a Girl...

With all of the ways to celebrate and memorialize the upcoming inauguration, I thought I would share this with all you classy ladies...

Now, yours truly will not be participating... I maybe bougie, but pearls aren't really my thang... unless they are Lanvin inspired...other than that it's a little prissy for my tastes....
But for all you pearl-wearin' sistahs... feel free to through on a strand or two!!!


BLACK LILY said...

ummm how did u get this?

Kismet Nuñez said...

what is this foolishness????

identitycrisis said...

why does this make me think of Mardi Gras beads? did Michelle get the memo? and how exactly does this benefit their camp?

middlesister said...

thanks kis, you hit the nail on the head..."FOOLISHNESS!"

The Maven said...

Hey hey hey, dont kill the messenger! My mom got this in her email and sent it to me. WE BOTH thought it was crazytown, but to each his/her own!

I mean really... CNN is doing updates on "The Obama Express"... so NOTHING surprises me anymore...

Kismet Nuñez said...

Lol. Live Messenger, live...

Yeah, it is Inauguration mania on all of the news channels right now. Poor man. Can yall give him some time to write his historic speech please?