Friday, April 24, 2009

I Got Issues, You Got Issues...

This quote just came up in conversation with kismet and also resonated something I talked to cornflake girl about this weekend.

"All those issues you've had since you were 19, that you're about to carry with you into your 30's? Let those shits go."
~ WU Homie

So what is one issue that you would like to let go of before your 30th birthday?

Here are (some of) mine:
Fear of judgment/rejection/failure.
Men issues (haven't quite figured out exactly what they are but probably linked to the above).

Your turn.


The Maven said...

wow...there are SO many... I'd like to let all of them go really...but thats the thing about long standing issues... they are like a 100% security blanket: its itchy and irritating as hell but it can be so cozy. lol

I think I'll start working on my desire for external approval and my ability to hold grudges LONG past their usefulness. Those two alone will AT LEAST take till I'm 32... then i'll tackle my fear of abandonment.

Kismet Nuñez said...

Glad you posted this. I've been meaning to toss it into the Common Room.

#1 - Need to be liked no matter by who or for what

My other issues are already "In Process" so I won't jinx them by listing them out here.

Just know that if you have suffered from My Issues before, my apologies, I'm doing my best to get them under control.

And if you've benefited from My Issues before then the same goes--my apologies, you won't get to anymore.

middlesister said...

hmm...part of me is tempted to say, "no comment" but when have i ever let that suffice? lol.

this is a toughie...i am reflective, but not on the spot kinda reflective...

1. to reconcile my feelings on relationships with the opposite sex. i am not saying they are horribly skewed now, but i def have a couple of hang-ups. duh.

2. reconcile/settle on my emotions in regards to my brother.

...more later.

Cornflake Girl said...

same as kismet's #1.