this is definitely the WTF for the day...
Harvard professor Gates arrested at Cambridge home
July 20, 2009
By Tracy Jan, Globe Staff
"Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates Jr., one of the nation's pre-eminent African-American scholars, was arrested Thursday afternoon at his home by Cambridge police investigating a possible break-in. The incident raised concerns among some Harvard faculty that Gates was a victim of racial profiling...."
read the rest here.
Read the crazy police report HERE ( YOU MUST read the police report!)
Inspiring Words
5 years ago
I love that I can read the police report. It just makes it that much better. You can tell that they tried extra hard to make the arrest seem justified and failed miserably. How do you arrest someone for disturbing the peace when YOU told them to come outside and use the presence of other officers and bystanders as evidence that they are disturbing the peace when YOU called for more officers and the bystanders are there because there are police. I don't know a thing about Harvard or Cambridge but I've seen profs' homes and I'm just guessing no one who wasn't already on his property heard Gates yelling from inside his home or outside for that matter.
UGH. This just gave me a headache.
duuudee...can't access the report now. this is a good thing, it's about bedtime, and i don't need any more restless nights.
however, i will check back tomorrow. the story alone is a big enough piece of cockamammie bull to last 3 lifetimes!
I'm emailing it to you. Will patiently await your response. Good night.
Email me that police report someone. The powers that be have hidden it away from the netverse.
Done. I should probably send it to everyone. or you know more about posting files to the internet.
This is infuriating. I'm going to talk about it on teaandsuch when I calm down. The thing is where is the line between freedom of speech and disorderly conduct. I'd sue the hell out of the police department if it were me (and I was a Harvard professor who had the means to get a lawyer to pay for the proceedings).
Agree with IC, WTF did he have to come out of his house for. This cop was rude. And how dare he say i gave you my name two times and I'm not giving it to you again.
That speaks to the ignorant and arrogant nature of of cops in general. Like we owe them something for being a police officer. The last time I checked the po po did not have a draft.
I seriously cannot stand police officers. yes, I use them as needed, but they all need to take a course in learning how the fuck to talk to to the people who pay their bills. I'm just sayin'.
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