Friday, December 19, 2008

i loves me some mr. & mrs. o

so in honor of good, old fashioned black love...

...and the song is just that good ish!


T said...

That was beautiful. Wow, my President is Black. I can't stop the tears.

P.S. what song is that? I need it in my shuffle immediately.

BLACK LILY said...

never gets old... never...

Kismet Nuñez said...

yeah, that is goodness right there.

i love how the youtube crowd is on their A-game with the Os. Please, keep it coming!

My (duly elected!) President is black

The Maven said...

Not only was it very sweet... it was WELL-EDITED!!! which always warms my heart.

...and even though i love montages... i still don't think I could date a politician... so mad luv to Mrs. O for exceptional strength an fortitude!