...to be alone. That was a big one. Attaching myself to Facebook because I miss my family, Flava, the BBGs, or Mr. is not a healthy way to enter my 27th year.
Growing up. Not an easy thing to do.
Inspiring Words
5 years ago
a forum dedicated to sharing what ever crosses our bad, black girl minds! and what?!
Food for thought. Gotta let this one marinate for a bit.
It just occurred to me that you've never lived alone. Those of us who do are ALL GOOD with being alone. Let me not speak for others. I'm fabulous with being alone (in a living situation). I prefer it. You don't have to talk to anyone, you don't have to cook for anyone.
When I want to see people I leave the house. When I don't want to see people, I stay at home.
I feel you on the wanting to be connected thing, but I really think FB is more entertainment than connections b/c when there's nothing going on on there I don't feel close to folks. But when there are lots of pics going up and statuses being changed I feel better.
Oh boy. I'm rambling.
That is all for now.
Actually, you're right. Which was the unhealthy part. I mean, I can't be confusing entertainment with connections, you know? Because at the end of the day, I might post on your wall but you can't take me to the hospital if I break my leg on the front stairs.
So I feel you.
Yeah, I've yet to live alone. I have heard (from IC and boogie) that it is the Life to live. My budget doesn't swing it, but I'm not anti giving it a try. I must admit, it makes me feel better to hear other people in the house though. (Then again, sometimes I want to strangle my roommates so...)
But I will be living alone in France...!
Quick add--
There is also a difference between living alone in a city where friends and family you've known most of your life are a phone call or train ride away....
And being alone (notice verb change) in a city, state or country where the friends and family you've known most of your life are a plane ride away.
So when I meant alone in Revelation #4, I actually meant the latter. Living alone notwithstanding, I'm coming to grips with it being okay that the people I love most are not near me at all. And may never be. And I therefore need to create different kind of relationships with them (using, but not being used by, lol, Facebook, blogs, GChat, email, phone, text, etc.) than those who are actually in proximity to those they love best.
Something me and Mr. argue about a lot when he doesn't get why I need to go back home, the difference between him and me when I say I'm lonely and when he says it. I've been 9 years away, Dude. You've spent all of your life in the same city with your support network. Gimme a break. But he's a brat like that.....
Yep, I feel you. I think "living alone" in a foreign place (France, DC, Iowa, wherever) is helpful to being along in those same places.
BUT, I've never lived alone in a foreign place. Even in Spain and Venezuela I had my Spanish and Venezuelan families, so let me just say I truly have NO idea how you feel, so take my advice with a grain of salt.
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