Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Lamenting on 30...life, love & happiness

ooooh, it's been awhile...

i just had very random thought about all the things we do surrounding this great "leap" to 30. friends make lists of "30 things to do before 30." i'm not judging; in fact, i spent the better part of last friday night helping my cuzzo develop hers.

so, in reflection, we can jump out of planes (i DO want to do this for 30, BTW), read 30 books (or a book a month, w/e) and place ourselves in all these risky situations, but so many of the people i've talked to about the risks they're willing to take don't involve matters of the heart...love, work, personal growth, etc. take me: i want to jump out of a plane (risky, much?), but i'm not nearly as willing to jump out there and be risky when it comes to love, work, etc. again, i ask you pardon my random musings...

i am, however, grateful for friends who push me out of the theoretical plane and make me take risks i wouldn't otherwise.

love ya'll. forreals.
