Friday, November 27, 2009

The Weiner Circle

don't go getting all excited, not that kind of weiner.

actually, i wish this was a post about that. now, i am no fan of weiners, but this has pretty much secured me never trying one in life. eva. especially from this establishment.

check out the video and be ready to share your thoughts, feelings, rants, etc about what you saw. i was saddened (i literally got teary), fearful, pissed and disgusted. i won't go into the historical, racial, sexist, and financial implications so deeply rooted here as you'll soon see for yourself.


oh, and if that vid's not enough, check out the "related" ones where you can see the milkshake demonstrated.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

We Collect Inspriration: The Journey

this sunday, as with many sundays at all souls, i was moved/inspired by the sermon from the church's leaders but decided this one was worth sharing. i think all of us will find it poignant because of the transitions we currently find ourselves in. so, i share with you the message to appreciate the moment and enjoy your journey. instead of wondering what the end point will be, stop and take time to reflect on your current situation.

Rev. Lynngood informed the congregation we can create moments of gratitude for the present by asking ourselves four questions of affirmation:
1. there no place i'd rather be
2. there is nothing else i'd rather being doing
3. there is no one i'd rather be with
4. this, i will remember well

if you find yourself getting lost in the moment, take a little time to pause, reconnect and be grateful.

peace & blessings,


Sunday, November 8, 2009

TOTALLY random

um, this is a total Boogie/ADD moment...

how sad is it i, at damn near 30, have to ask my little (wait, younger, she's got 2" on me) sister for help with make-up and hair? very. buying new eye-shadow took about 2 hours today and of course they are ALL in that N.A.G. (Neutral Ass Girl) family...i need help. Black Lilly knows my pain and has lived it second-hand by attempting to help me through my struggles. ugh.