Thursday, March 12, 2009

"F&ck what ya' heard!"

so yea, it's '09 and i'm about to dispel/bring you up to date on a couple of items...

1. niggas ain't shit! (well, we have known this since we were, what? 8, 9, 12 yrs old?) well, females ain't either. which leads me into #2...

2. honesty is overrated...that shit don't get you NO MOTHERFUCKING WHERE! "Lie to me dammit, lie to me!" (Chris Rock, anyone?) he hit the nail on the head; people WANT to be lied to. (except me, lol). :)seriously, i don't, which leads me to...

3. Acting Accordingly in '09. Okay, so for those of you who don't know, acting accordingly is my mantra for the year (or long as it takes me to get it right) which equates to acting your damn age. this might include but in NO WAY is limited to: getting your funds right, being honest, getting a new (or first) job, going to (or back to) school, or not fucking every tom, dick and harry (or sally). i have a couple of these on my list...for me, being honest (not mean) with primarily myself and others is part of acting accordingly. however, in spite of recent shenanigans, i am seriously thinking of going back to circa '07/early '08 and just doing whatever makes me feel good. hell, in a lot of ways, life is MUCH easier when you act now and beg for forgiveness later. hmm...i'll keep you posted on this one...

anyways, just needed to vent.

damn, it's hard out here for a bad, black girl.


identitycrisis said...

tell 'em why you mad, son!

1. Some things never change.

2. I'm with you on this one. I want the truth even if no one else seems to be able to handle it. That is, until I hear it sometimes.

I think we could get into some serious discussions around #3. There is always the battle between what I SHOULD do (esp. at 27) and what I WANT to do. I wish they were the same thing more often.

The Maven said...

WHOAAAAAAAAA... what happened?! we were all being socivil and thoughtful... how is effin up ish over tere boogie?!

i can see that we may need to have a BBG yoga trip with some deep breathing!

Just know that i lov you but i aint got bail money... so just don' get caught whateva you do! lol =)

The Maven said...

WHOAAAAAAAAA... what happened?! we were all being socivil and thoughtful... how is effin up ish over tere boogie?!

i can see that we may need to have a BBG yoga trip with some deep breathing!

Just know that i lov you but i aint got bail money... so just don' get caught whateva you do! lol =)

T said...

"lfe is MUCH easier when you act now and beg for forgiveness later"

REAL TALK!!! CHUUCH!!! PREACH!!! Any other colloquialism you can think of to say, THAT IS THE TRUTH.

My tagline on my blackplanet page was "The realest girl you'll ever meet"

(Yeah, I said blackplanet, don't front like you didn't have one in college).

Fee FI FO FIRE, I sho'll hate a liar! UGH!

middlesister said...

ahh! not the blackplanet page, T! too funny...but wait, do you still log-in to that sucka? (please say "no")

Mave- we will just drink the sorrows away. when i see you, i will not be thinking about NOBODY's deep breathing or yoga. however, a tequila shot and a clove will do JUST fine, thank you VERY much.

Kismet Nuñez said...

oh i am definitely going to need the story. dude. and i JUST talked to yo a$$!

hilarious. i loved every minute of this post.

T said...

"but wait, do you still log-in to that sucka? (please say "no")"

Man, HELL NO! (but I do remember my password) LOL!