Saturday, March 28, 2009

The France Post

Kismet here. Checking into the Common Room from Aix-en-Provence, France. Because she needs some help. Ladies, let's discuss:
  1. Black women (and by black, from now on, I mean African and Caribbean primarily because there aren't that many African-Americans here that I've met) and weave. Not braids or relaxers even. Just straight up Yaki. And me with my 'fro (which is definitely a 'fro since I need a serious trim and the curls are like yowza!) I get the funny look from white and black alike.
  2. How the French LOVE them some Jason Mraz. He is everywhere--talk shows, late night shows, all over M6 the music channel. Really? And he can't speak a lick of French. Too adorable.
  3. The power of the Euro over the $. Damn on you AIG et. al. Damn, damn, damn.
  4. The power of the baguette. Daily (yes, daily). Damn on you boulangerie. Damn, damn, damn.
  5. Why I get followed in stores until I say something in my AmeriFrench and then they are all smiles: Vous êtes, americaine! Ah, c'est bon! Here buy these boots! Promotion (sale)! Oh global racial hierarchies!
  6. How I, the digital girl, has no internet at home.
  7. How much I miss black men!
  8. And on #7 note, international mating rituals. This should be a full post but the digital girl is living in an analog world. Short summary: Why did you call me eight times in one night? You met me three days ago and all I wanted was a language exchange. Dude.
  9. Back to #7, internatinal mating rituals. Black men and white women? Everywhere. White men and black women? Not nearly as common. But I do a little dance inside everytime I see one.
  10. Back to #8 and #9 but maybe not #7: There is an extremely attractive Asian guy who works at the archive. That is all.
  11. Big in the fashion world here: Converse, gypsy pants, scarves, extensions (black and white), boots, very expensive face and body products. Sephora does not carry Carol's Daughter. H&M is more expensive here than the U.S. Blonds. Skinny jeans.
  12. Big in the culture world here: Cezanne. He is Aix-en-Provence's big claim to fame I guess.
  13. Big in the social world here: Strikes. All the time. Everywhere. Apparently big things happening on the university front though. I will try to read up on it and report back. Race is also huge and black pundits LOVE to use the U.S. as an example of how things should be/have progressed/Obama/Halle Berry/Denzel/Affirmative Action, etc. I find this amusing for all the obvious reasons.
  14. Big in my world: Reading French faster and faster, can finally understand what is spoken on TV (even if I can't always translate it fully) and getting comfortable doing the 9-5 archive stint.

Start wherever you want. I need some amusement today.


T said...

Fab recap. I cannot wait to visit! Well, I could definitely use these next two checks I'm about to get before the visit... but other than that: Can't wait!

identitycrisis said...

You already know my thoughts but I'm writing anyway.

1. Girl, the weaves were a mess. I think I'm attributing the crazy looks I got to my hair though. I guess horrible weaves are what's cool there.
3. The Euro AND the bank fees! Girl, my credit card and my bank charged all these international fees. Mostly a few cents, but I have like 3 deductions for every transaction. That is not what's up. I think I paid like $20 for a salad in the Madrid airport and I mean a McDonald's side salad type of salad. T, get your money out before you head over. It will save you time writing letters and calling to demand a fee reversal.
4. The baguettes were not the devil that I thought they were. I didn't gain a bazillion pounds like I thought I would and they were yummy!
5. For real. Find this out for me. I wanna know what the deal is.
11. I loved the fashion!
13. Not Halle and Denzel.
14. Keep it up.

T said...

One more thing. I was just talking to some sistas today and apparently all foreign men are crazy with the phone calls. Jamaica, DR, Nigeria, Germany, France, Italy... I guess that's how they court in other places.

I guess if a man out of the country waited three days to call I should definitely know he's just not that into me, huh?

LOL! @I.C. I will be hitting you up shortly for details.

middlesister said...

ok, so, so happy you decided to write us! CHEA!

1. hell no, are they STILL rockin' em. and i KNOW they are a hot, tangled, jacked up nappy hairline (YES, THE HELL i DID call black hair "nappy") mess.
3. traveling abroad, financially, not what it used to be. at all.
4. baked goods. say NO more. i am THE picture of a carboholic. hi, my name is lauren, and i love carbs. ::sits down shamefully::
5. i am surprised you just get followed. i am REALLY surprised they accept franglais. when i was there, no deals. come correct, greet the proprietor IMMEDIATELY in french or get the EFF out!
7. girl, i miss 'em too. from right here in THE chocolate city. ::major sigh::
8. international pimp hand is SCRONG (yea, i said it!)...shit, i'm just trying to get my domestic game tight.
9. not mad. at all. i can post on this topic to. i am reneging my previous statements on white boys.
10. again, not mad. at all.
11. for the most part, love european fashion. esp avante garde type isht.
12. you been to his crib yet? nothing major, but a nice little trip.
14. ooooh...let's parlez when you return. k?

thanks, boo, i needed that! at least someone gets to live the good life, this 13 hr day shit is for the THA BIRDS!

Kismet Nuñez said...

T. I will call you soon to prep you for your trip.

I.C. I am not a fan of the fees. And Western Union is a total yank you for your money.

On the #5 I hung out with some French guys yesterday (no hetero, I've got a man) and found out that yes, it is definitely the "rich American" stereotype. I got ragged on so hard for not being able to speak. In fun of course but there was definitely that undercurrent that...well, basically the same undercurrent when cool white people hang out with an all black crowd. Like, come on man? Really? While at the same time appreciating that they are cool and are giving some kind of effort. If that makes sense. There was the sense that I'm a rich American girl, that I just travel willy nilly when and where I want, that I don't have to learn the language or put any effort in and it will still be fine, that I haven't experienced anytihng.

One of them put it pretty bluntly: They hear you speak English and they think, oh this rich American girl, she is here to spend money.


Okay so about half of that was true since this is my first long term visit to France. But the rest of it was also just global class hierarchies, assumptions that are half true and even if they aren't true specifically to me, I could definitely yank that privilege down and say, "Yup, that's me. American girl."

Never get this kind of privilege in the states. And I'm afraid I must admit I'm pretty damn comfortable in it.