Sunday, May 10, 2009

Because We Once Discussed Fairy Tales...

And because part of being a Bad Black Girl is being an ANGRY black girl.

And because this line is kick ass:

I’ve got another version of Snow White’s story I like to tell: Instead of a smiling, simpering dip$hit who simply loves scrubbing the stairs, Snow White sneaks away one day to raise an army. (She makes sure break that tattletale Magic Mirror first, so that he can’t rat her out.)


Finish it here.


Cornflake Girl said...


i love this. ive been wanting to work on re-writing some classic fairy tales from the womanist perspective, especially in regards to the "witch" characters. the idea of practicing "black magic" and powerful, masculinized women is deep to me.

what if rapunzel had been a black girl? maybe she would've gotten sick of that heavy, itchy weave, said "fuck what the prince wants", cut it all off, rocked a natural, and became content with the idea of living alone up in that tower. maybe she has comcast internet service up there, earns an mfa in creative writing online, and begins publishing a series of self-support books for other black princess dissenters. maybe one day a traveling merchant comes by and puts her onto the world of vibrators and sex toys, and rapunzel decides to stop fucking with dudes altogether. maybe the traveling merchant is a sexy spelman grad, and rapunzel's latent queer identity surfaces, and they pursue an intense monogamous relationship with each other. maybe rapunzel starts a blog calling out the misogynistic undertones in hip hop, and her blog fuels a womanist movement so powerful that there are threats on rapunzel's life by right-wing paramilitary record label owners. rapunzel is given asylum in benin where she reclaims her dahomey heritage and is inducted into the voodoo tradition of her ancestors. she returns home, breaks up with her girlfriend, moves to a new tower in new orleans, and dedicates the rest of her life to building a black atlantic religion movement in african-american communities.

i could keep going, but i'll stop.

Kismet Nuñez said...

"...a womanist movement so powerful that there are threats on rapunzel's life by right-wing paramilitary record label owners."

I think that might be my favorite part. My girl is so gangsta that she has death threats! I love it.

Awesome. Who's got next? (I bet Maven answers first). I need to choose a favorite...I was reared on Grimm's and I love their dark and dirty deliciousness. The happy ending was the least interesting part. The gory stuff--now that is WHATs Up.

(Anyone read Wicked by Gregory McGuire?)

Kismet Nuñez said...

SO I feel like we were on the front lines of this debate.

Cornflake Girl said...

thats a really insightful and well-written critique. i like how she comes at it from an honest, personal place.

the critiques about vodoun/voodoo are especially real. it really gets to me how seamlessly whiteness has fucked up our perceptions of african traditional religion to a point of no return, and without reproach. you wont find the naacp speaking up for practitioners or their religious communities around those issues. even mainstream black activists reject those values.

and she is a frog for most of the movie. dude.


The Maven said...

oh Kis, you know i am all about doing the princess and the pea...

I can see the closing dialogue....

"Motha effa, I TOLD you i was a princess, so why the hell are you sneaking around puttin stuff under my bed?! have you lost your mind?! i don't want to marry your son ANYWAY. he is unattractive and and i don't want to share my kingdom with someone who has no previous experience in economic planning! Now, i came to your house, to get out of the rain, dry off, and get some gosh darn sleep--so could y'all fools please get out of my room and take this damn veggie platter with you!"

yeah... summin' like that... lol