Friday, May 22, 2009

More Facebook Foolishness

So, my girl was telling about this private message that she received on fb from some guy she doesn't know but accepted his friend request a while ago, not really thinking about it. This dude posts a comment, sometimes several, to every status update she makes. She said that she never responds because she doesn't know him. Understood. Seems harmless enough, I guess. So, this weekend, she changed her relationship status to single and received the following message (on the same day):

How are you doing today? I'm doing fine. Just wanted you to know that I was thinking bout you. I hope we can become real good friends and more. I wish we could be boyfriend and girlfriend if you wanted too. You are a very sexy, beautiful woman. I love those sexy lips of yours. What are you doing for your birthday?

Um, WTF?!? Then she goes to his profile for my added amusement and I swear this dude fabricated his interests to attract women. His favorite movies are the movies we had on constant rotation in our common rooms. What dude says his favorite movies are Love Jones, Love and Basketball, and Brown Sugar and his favorite books are romance novels? I know I'm totally playing into the gender roles stererotypes but come on, man. And, if you're gonna do all of that, at least put up a half way decent picture?

So my question is how would you respond to such a message?

*All names have been omitted to protect the innocent and ignorant.*


b.goody said...

Thanks for reminding me of this. I need to make random comments to M about her "sexy lips" LOL.

Guys on facebook need to chill. This is the 3rd post that we have done on this thus far. She needs to delete, block, move on.

Kismet Nuñez said...

wow. Facebook is getting out of control. The new Black Planet maybe?

And sir, you are a little stalkerish. Please step back.

Who actually does meet people through Facebook? That you haven't had at least one (preferably more) encounters with in real life?

The Maven said...

I am all for a block, delete and move on... but I feel like he needs to be embarrassed first... not sure how your girl may feel about that, or even if its possible to embarrass people who are CLEARLY that immature without playing into their dumb@$$ness

I guess my biggest question is why anybody posts their relationship status on facebook, period. I had this conversation with someone earlier today. I'll post that stream later perhaps. Changing those statuses are just asking for trouble... especially the "it's complicated" one... its like saying "open season at my crib, homies!!! I'm dissatified, maybe you can change that..."

i just don't put mine up there...but then maybe its because I'm weird like that... i don't think i'd change it unless i was engaged or married, and even then i feel like my pictures would be indicative of that...

am i being cold hearted? let me know if i am. i can take it.

Kismet Nuñez said...

Maven you are always trying to teach some man a lesson!

middlesister said...

see, this is THE reason you don't allow randoms to view yoru profile. hello!

second, we must delete, block BUT before we move on there sooo needs to be public humiliation. i.just.can't...resist.

that is such a black planet move. whoa.

T said...

LOL! This is awesome. I'm all for deleting. I live alone and I'm pretty scared of how much information there exists about me. I really don't want random stalkers on that info.

I don't know how I feel about the humiliation, but if she does PLEASE come back and tell us. I know it's going to be hilarious. :)