Saturday, December 6, 2008

Some Work Flow for You

I see the BBGs are in the end of the year pressure cooker. Dorm room doors are closed and locked. The TV is off. No 11 minutes of perfection or egg noddles cooking on the stove. I hear india.aire playing somewhere...I think.....

Well, I'm still on the couch. Curled around this laptop. Planning a research trip to France.

And in honor of the grind, here is some work "flow" for you.


BLACK LILY said...


middlesister said...

damn. classic.
and SOO on time.

i just checked in to destress and procrastiblog in lieu of taking care of the 100 billion things i have to do between now and 1/1/09.

love jones...CHECK
djarum black clove cig in one hand...CHECK

...thanks, kis. you have NO idea how much i needed that.
and this is why i HEART (Xs 100,000,000) my bbgs.

T said...

Oh wow. That's how you feel? Darius on a Monday morning. Ok, I'm logging out of the blogosphere today (sort of). It's about to be a beastly day at the office.