Saturday, November 29, 2008

First Kiss at the Altar?

I was just watching the news and I saw this story. I must say that I was shocked - not that the couple didn't have premarital sex but that they went to such great lengths not to even touch each other. On TV, they said they sat at a distance from each other while watching movies. I'm wondering who the other adults were that chaperoned their dates at home. I applaud their conviction and willpower but this would definitely be a bit too much for me.



Kismet Nuñez said...


I'm going to let boogie make my comment on this one. Because I just KNOW I'm going to agree with whatever she says.


middlesister said...

damn @ kis...thanks for the pressure.

this is some bullshit. i'd be damned if i didn't know how my Mr. got down before i make a life-long commitment to screw only you for the rest of my life. sorry, i keeps it real.

forreal tho...i am not sure how realistic this is. also note...they ONLY dated a year. you know why? they was trying to get that good good as soon as possible. now, had someone said they dated for like 3-5 years (some normal shit), they would have got a standing O followed by my best curtsey.

seriously, real, deep, connected intimacy is hard to come by. the fact that they did not touch, spend any personal, alone time together even to touch, kiss, and get to know each other on an INTIMATE level is weird. so, what happens when they are 6 months, a year in and they discover they are not compatible? i am all for people deciding not to have sex (oral, etc) before or outside of a marriage. BUT, not knowing how you and your HUSBAND will connect intimately is just dumb.

further, teaching this TOTALLY unrealistic lifestyle to children is irresponsible, dumb, and a waste a time. our students/children are growing up in a very confusing world. to send them messages about sex and intimacy at either extreme is irresponsible on our behalf as adults b/c it in NO WAY prepares them for the real world. Kids need someone to present them with ALL of their options and keep it VERY real with them.

i could go on...

how was that, kis?

Kismet Nuñez said...


It is like you reached in my brain and threw onto the digital page....

I second ALL of That with no additions or corrections. All in favor?

T said...

Aw, I think it was cute. They are definitely going to be compatible (at least at first) because they're both so sexually hungry.

I don't definitively feel one way or another on the abstinence piece. I feel to each its own. I think abstinence before marriage CAN work with two agreeing parties, but the no kissing, no touching thing is extra stupid.

identitycrisis said...

thanks boogie. you said what I was thinking.

I was never one to swear off premarital physical contact so I don't know how hard this must be. I'm wondering though, does it really take all that follow through on your commitment to abstinence? It's like they didn't trust themselves enough to follow through on their convictions if they touched or kissed. They were applauded on the news for practicing what they preach but I think this shows how unrealistic abstinence education is. Two ADULTS can't handle a kiss or touch without going all the way? What do they think teens will do? I don't see anything wrong with abstinence but I don't agree with abstinence education because it is unrealistic. I'm all about encouraging abstinence but I believe we have a responsibility to provide them with the information needed to protect themselves.