Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Like a steel trap...

Due to my last post and comments, there has been some surprise about the my amazing memory.

All I can say, is that I remember EVERYTHING. Some things precisely, some things vaguely. But one way or another... I remember.

This by the way, makes me the worst person to ever have and "incident" with. It's like I have a pocket stenographer in my brain...please believe it.

Seriously though, I'm kinda like an X-men. LMAO.

I don't know why I have this power...all I know is that God wants me to use it for good and not for evil.

maybe its because writers have to stay attuned to details...

or maybe it's to save the world....

or it could just be for 60 years from now, when we have a reunion, at least ONE of us will still remember the stories from our glorious youth...

Only time will tell. =)


identitycrisis said...

DAMN! I don't even want to know some of the "incidents" you remember about me. I'm sure there are several more from freshman year alone. Man, I was so young... and all that goes along with that.

middlesister said...

i was sho' nuff thinking about your impeccable memory.

i dig it. kinda envious..

Kismet Nuñez said...

I think I need you to use your power for good. Be a good jedi like Mos said....

Kismet Nuñez said...