Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Ode to Peer Pressure



The things I do for you!!!!

I can say though, that I count myself very blessed to have friends in my life who have only pressured me to good things...(for the most part. Kis, our bauhaus outfits were borderline freshman year... I blame you for that! =p)

Oh and Mardi Gras.... who the hell dragged me to Mardi Gras?! LEM? Was that you or Jay???

And Lem, I'm pretty sure I smoked my first clove with you on the patio of SAE, and you got mad at me because I tried to light the wrong end!

okay but other than that, you guys never got me into anything bad....

There was the time that I blew off a paper to go on a float trip down the Merrimac with Robynn and Mindy, and had to pull an all nighter with sunburn, mosquito bites, and the worlds worst hangover.

But other than that, nothing really bad....

Except that one W.I.L.D. when we broke into the Womyn's Center so we could drink w/o getting rained on... or should I say "I" broke in, with a leg up from J and Celi....

Okay how about, you guys never got me into anything bad that we got busted for?! Yes that sounds about right....

For that I count myself very blessed. =)


Kismet Nuñez said...

Oh. My. Gawd.

For the record, I deny everything.

(Except the bauhaus outfits.)

middlesister said...


loves it. i *think* imma take blame for mardi gras. wow.

why was i not around for the w.i.l.d. night? boo!

good times, good times.

middlesister said...

oh, p.s., how is it MY peer pressure is the one that got the pic to accompany...

and i am reneging my acceptance of blame on the mardi gras trip...that was COMPLETELY e-dub (maybe in conjunction with kis). all day.

identitycrisis said...

It was also e-dub and a bad black man or two who were involved in the W.I.L.D breaking and entering. I was working at GWB and caught up with y'all as you were escaping the building.

The Maven said...

Kis, you couldn't deny Bauhaus if you wanted to... There are pictures... and I have them!!! lol

all I ask for in exchange of my non-disclosure is a cabinet position one day! lol