Thursday, January 15, 2009

You Know It Is a Recession When....

...your customer service is the sh*t.

From customer service hotlines to retail stores to restaurants to Starbucks, even the proletariat is afraid of losing his or her job.


T said...

No, but, seriously. Thummyb and I were in White House Black Market and you would have thought we were millionaires the way they were swooning over us. Why there need to be 7 sales associates in that itty bitty store at a time, I dunno, but the service was STELLAR!

identitycrisis said...

I hit the outlet mall last night and received the best customer service ever at the higher end stores. They were upselling like crazy. Commission and competition make people step their game up. However, at the stores where I needed help (shopping for new winter boots) folks were chilling - literally reading books behind the counter at Nine West.

middlesister said...

ey...the may not be there when you go back next week, crisis!